Hello New Drivers! (and/or parents of new drivers)

Being a new driver can be exciting and scary but with National General’s new SmartDrive Program both parents and teenagers can feel a little safer. 

Let me tell you about it..

The SmartDrive program rewards good driving behavior with policy discounts. They do this through the Route Report monitoring app that can be downloaded on your smartphone.    

By utilizing the sensors in the smartphone, the Route Report app will automatically capture the following information whenever you take a trip:

                • Phone Handling

                • Speeding

                • Sudden Braking Customers can view their recent trips and see how safely they drove.


With the Route Report app, parents can ensure that their teens are practicing safe driving habits. Here are some of the benefits:

  • Check Trips to see drivers monthly summaries
  •                 See drivers trip time
  •                 See drivers mileage, location and driving events

To receive a free discounted quote call or email Beth – Cost Cutters personal lines specialist. 



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